Entry in Erik's personal journal, July 26, 2013: "I woke up with vague memories of hurting myself last night. I didn't tell anyone. I have stayed in my room all day avoiding my parents. I don't want them to know. I can't tell anyone my bad thoughts. I have been very depressed for awhile now and have not been having real good thoughts about myself, not really liking myself very much I guess. I don't take any medications anymore. I have lost contact with all my friends. I used to work sometimes, not anymore. I'm not doing much at all. After those thoughts above, I guess I hurt myself again, this time pretty bad. My parents found me and called an ambulance."
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Hopewell is committed to continually improving our organization and service delivery. The goal of this report is to show the steps Hopewell took throughout 2013 to be more effective and efficient; review access to services; look at satisfaction and feedback; and make future improvement plans.
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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects about one percent of the population worldwide. It can affect anyone at any time, but typically strikes in the early adult years. People with active schizophrenic symptoms often will interpret reality abnormally.
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Annual Report 2013
Nature, community and meaningful work: These are the cornerstones of Hopewell's therapeutic farm model of care.
Our farm itself, and our nature-based program, are keys to Hopewell's success. As Rachel Carson wrote in Silent Spring, "Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves in strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature."...
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This is a story about the natural power of animals to impact healing, and how a very special horse changed the life of a young woman in pain.
Adrienne came to Hopewell at age 19 with a diagnosis of depression. Her illness caused her to hear voices that told her she was worthless, that no one wanted her around them, and that it would be better if she would just die. Adrienne had been cutting her arms (superficially) for three years prior to coming to Hopewell.
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