

Transition Services

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Ecotherapy in Clinical Practice

Summer Solstice 2024

Navigating the Mental Health Crisis in Young Adults

Because our purpose is to help adults with mental illness to lead a more satisfying, self-reliant, and independent life, we begin working through a transition to a more independent setting beginning with our first conversations with potential residents and their families.

Once a resident is at Hopewell, we develop together individual plans that identify specific concrete goals for discharge. As these goals are met and discharge comes closer, we work extensively with the resident and resident’s family to identify the best next setting and its required supports.

University Circle Transition Program

Hopewell’s University Circle Transition Program provides to residents discharged from the farm a highly effective apartment-based program to support their transition to more independent living in the community. 

University Circle, on the east side of Cleveland, is a world-class center of innovation in health care, education, and arts and culture.  It offers a variety of social, cultural, entertainment, and occupational opportunities for residents, including collaboration with Circle institutions in the musical and visual arts, mental health, health care, education, gardening, and urban forestry.

Hopewell full time staff and visiting staff from the farm are located in the same building as the Hopewell University Circle Transition Program apartments.  Through a structured and personalized program, our staff helps participants access all the resources both in the Circle and from the farm to provide a Hopewell-flavored transitional bridge between residential care and independent living.  Hopewell staff, in addition, provides clinical support, group therapy, community-building activities, and help navigating the challenges of re-integrating into the community.

Club Hope

Another option is Club Hope, a transitional program for residents moving from Hopewell's residential therapeutic program to community living in Northeast Ohio. It is designed for people who have a serious mental illness, have graduated from the residential program and are living successfully on their own or with family, but might benefit from involvement in a structured daily program at Hopewell's therapeutic farm.

Members of Club Hope can participate Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm in anything offered on the same daily schedule as Hopewell residents. People may sign up for one day a month, or as many as three, four or five days a week. Transportation is not included in the daily fee.