Gift planning allows individuals to create their own unique and lasting legacies that will sustain Hopewell into the future. The Hopewell Society recognizes those individuals who have made such commitments.
There are several ways to show your support now and for generations to come. Here are a few examples:
- Bequest: A simple way to support Hopewell is to include a bequest in your will. The most helpful type of bequest is unrestricted, which allows Hopewell to designate the funds toward our highest priority needs. Also important are restricted gifts, which are designated by the donor to support a special program or project.
- Insurance Policy:Unused life insurance policies make excellent charitable gifts. Ask your insurance agent to find out how you can add Hopewell as a beneficiary to your existing policy.
- Retirement Plan, such as an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b): Retirement assets passing to someone other than a spouse typically are subject to taxes when inherited and later withdrawn. Due to the tax consequences, these assets make excellent choices for benefiting nonprofit organizations. Talk to your advisor about adding Hopewell as a beneficiary to your retirement assets.
- Life Income Gifts such as a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) or Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT): Ask your advisor how you can support Hopewell while receiving income for life. Both vehicles offer significant tax savings.
A significant way to help sustain Hopewell's future is through a gift, pledge, or planned gift to support our endowment. Endowment gift are permanently invested and make a lasting difference. They may be designated for a particular purpose or program, or used to support our highest priority needs. Gifts to the endowment may be made in honor or memory of another person, thus providing a permanent type of remembrance.
For many donors, it is important to make philanthropic gifts as a family. Hopewell invites your family to consider creating a named fund in support of our endowment. (A named fund may be established with a minimum donation of $25,000.)
If you are considering a planned gift for Hopewell, please contact our Development Office at 440-247-0912. If you have made a planned gift commitment already but have not notified us, please click here to see our Planned Giving Intention Form.
As well as making an endowment gift directly to Hopewell, through our Development Office, there is another option. We are proud to have partnered with the Cleveland Foundation to create the Hopewell Endowment Fund of the Cleveland Foundation.
This fund is held and managed by the Cleveland Foundation, which invests the gifts for greater return on investment and prudent growth. Each year, a percentage of the fund is available for Hopewell's needs.
To make a gift on line to The Hopewell Fund of the Cleveland Foundation:
- Visit https://www.clevelandfoundation.org/give-now/.
- Click the "Give to a Specific fund" box
- Search "Hopewell Endowment Fund"
- Enter the amount of your donation, donor information and credit card information, and click the"Submit" button.
To talk with our admissions team, please call 440.426.2009.