Sophie was born in Providence, Rhode Island and moved to Michigan at a young age. As an only child, she spent her childhood playing with neighborhood friends and enjoying her younger years.
After starting college, Sophie noticed a change in her mental health, experiencing anxiety attacks and psychosomatic symptoms. As she juggled many challenges, she found that inpatient hospital treatment did not have what she needed.... more

Drew became a Hopewell resident in October 2020. Prior to arriving, he was living in a very dark place, experiencing intrusive thoughts, depression, and anxiety. After arriving here, he was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.
Drew said, “I was so happy to be at Hopewell. It was a place where I could deal with stress, relax, and take a deep breath. The incredible staff was open to... more

Casey was a resident at Hopewell in 2013 after being diagnosed with type 2 bipolar disorder and said, “Hopewell really saved my life. Without it, I have no idea where I would be now.”
After leaving Hopewell, Casey worked a few full-time jobs but couldn’t find her rhythm. After turning 30, she realized Ohio wasn’t where she wanted to be and moved to New York a... more

Chad Chad left Hopewell in 2017 after working through his schizoaffective bipolar diagnosis. Two years later, he received his master’s degree in journalism from Ohio University. Currently, Chad is working towards a law degree at Case Western Reserve University, and plans to graduate in May, 2024. He made the Dean’s List for fall semester 2022!
Chad said, “I am drawn to community development, public policy, and... more

When I first arrived at Hopewell in August 2021, I was a hot mess. I had been in and out of the hospital for months and doing electroconvulsive therapy which was harming my memory. My family thought I would never be able to live independently again, and I had run out of hope. A Michigan hospital recommended a residential program and we discovered Hopewell.
In the... more

Tom was born and raised in Alexandria, Virginia. Big city life contributed to his struggle with concentration, and he was easily distracted, acting out at a young age. Mental illness slowly progressed but Tom remained hopeful that he eventually would feel good. At age 16, he started a medicine regimen.
Struggling with his illness after high school graduation, Tom worked in construction. Though his medications made... more

Former Resident
Nearly 20 years ago, at age 7, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when I was experiencing a set of symptoms that overlapped with that mental illness. In retrospect this was a misdiagnosis. Today we know these symptoms were early signs of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and a dissociative disorder.
I had many traumatic experiences in hospitals and mental health institutions that did not contribute to... more

Christina was featured in our 2018 summer newsletter, having arrived at Hopewell in 2016. She had been living with 17 other sisters as a nun at the Monastery of Blessed Sacrament on Cleveland’s west side and was experiencing extreme bouts of anger and depression. After trying two other mental health facilities, she fell in love with Hopewell and the art therapy program, where she discovered... more

After experiencing an episode of psychosis, Jonathan arrived at Hopewell in 2017. For many of his previous treatments, he struggled to find the right psychiatric medication. During his ten-month stay at Hopewell, he found solace in the community and being able to “get better with his peers.” Thankfully, Dr. Martha Schinagle, a Hopewell psychiatrist, was also able to help him find a medication regimen that... more

Ever since Dana can remember, she wanted to do two things: help people and create art. She grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and graduated from Mount St. Joseph University. It was there that her passion for art blossomed. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts, a minor in Psychology, and a concentration in Art Therapy.
Dana considered an art therapy career but encountered a... more

Residents in Transition
Since October 2020, Hopewell residents have had the opportunity to enter our Transition Program in Cleveland’s University Circle neighborhood. This program provides discharged residents with a new, highly effective plan to transition to more independent living in the community, using the skills they acquired while at Hopewell.
Transition clients benefit from programs offered by several Circlebased organizations, including Magnolia Clubhouse, a highly regarded organization providing a... more

Liz came to Hopewell in early 2017 after being treated at the Mayo Clinic for bipolar disorder. At Mayo, she was treated with Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), which is commonly used in patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder who have not responded to other treatments. Liz’s mother discovered Hopewell while researching online and found the therapeutic farm aspect appealing.
During the first six months, Liz... more

Cam was a Hopewell resident from March to November 2019. His parents recommended that he come to Hopewell because they believed that our unique treatment model would help him address his mental health issues.
Cam is grateful for his positive experiences with staff and residents. He said, “The staff taught me skills, provided therapy and support, bestowed upon me positive social interaction, and allowed me to... more

Over five years ago, I began my stay at Hopewell. Looking back, I realize my life would not be where it is now if not for Hopewell. Every day is truly a gift and it is all because of my time there.
I grew up in Mentor, Ohio. After high school, I was in and out of hospitals, diagnosed with bipolar disorder (which I later learned... more

“To me, Hopewell is a place of hope and new beginnings. I believe the most remarkable thing about my personal Hopewell experience was that Chad never once expressed the interest to leave. He knew that Hopewell was helping him and that it was simply where he needed to be.” – Chad’s dad
Chad grew up in Solon, Ohio, graduating from high school in 2009. In his... more

“I’ve been in over thirty mental health and lockdown facilities over the last twenty years and I can honestly say that Hopewell was a beacon of light compared to all of the others.”
Evan Curtin discovered Hopewell in 2012, after a long road of mental health challenges. He grew up in Springfield, Ohio, graduating from Shawnee High School in 1995. He studied landscape architecture for two... more

Sam Silverman speaks of music and art with enthusiastic energy and profound passion. Sam is called to creativity, whether he is in his studio creating vibrant and unique works of art or at his piano composing music. He shares openly about a time in his life when mental illness became an obstacle to overcome in his quest for his purpose.
Sam grew up in Beachwood and... more

Hi Daniel! It’s Emily, I just wanted to check in with you and say thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me and for taking me in when I was lost and alone. I’ve been on my meds since December 2017 and have made so much progress. I had my baby girl in March and have held down a full time job since... more

Christina arrived at Hopewell in August 2016. She grew up in Syracuse, New York, and resided as a nun at the Monastery of the Blessed Sacrament on Cleveland’s west side for 18 years. Her apostolate (mission) was prayer, and she sometimes found herself overwhelmed, hearing people’s requests and trying to connect with a higher power.
Christina with her collage While living with 17 other sisters, Christina... more

Amanda spent her days in Texas feeling hopeless, watching TV and unable to take on the tasks of her everyday life. Her mom searched for answers on the internet and found Hopewell. They traveled to Mesopotamia and saw the many ways a therapeutic community could benefit Amanda. She knew this was her place, arriving at Hopewell in May 2017.
Since becoming a Hopewell resident, Amanda has... more