July 11, 2019
Hopewell Creates a Community, Offers Growth for Mentally Ill
Reporter Ginger Christ and photographer Gus Chan from the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Cleveland.com visited Hopewell in June. The article (and stunning photographs) that came from their visit is here.
Ginger Christ’s story begins:
“GPS won’t take you all the way to Hopewell Farm. It guides you most of the way but, for the final stretch, you’re on your own.
“The same is true of the farm itself. Designed as a farm-based residential treatment facility for those with severe mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder and major depression, Hopewell aims to give its patients the skills they need to live as independently as possible after they leave.“
The goal, Clinical Director Daniel B. Horne says, is for patients to “have a life they didn’t have before.”
To read the rest, see this.
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