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May 13, 2014

Hopewell Education Program

The Education Program at Hopewell impacts not only the academic facet of education, but other areas as well. Some of the areas impacted may be social development, vocational skills development, independent living skill development and interpersonal skill development. These areas are augmented by utilizing the strength of Therapeutic Community, Hopewell's main therapeutic modality of treatment and recovery.

Since its inception in 2003, Hopewell's Education Program has helped thirteen residents attain their high school diplomas as well as two receiving their GED. Of those thirteen residents, several went on to college. The Education Program is designed for residents that desire (regardless of age) to attain a high school diploma. Located on the upper floor of the main building or "Inn", the high school diploma component of the Education Program is coordinated through an actual high school in Lewiston, Maine called North Atlantic Regional Schools.

In addition, the Education Program offers instruction in ACT and/or SAT studies, post secondary education, college undergraduate and graduate studies planning assistance, vocational planning assistance, money management skill, employment readiness skills and pre-vocational training skill development.

At this time, one resident is engaged in attaining her high school diploma, three residents (two males and one female) are engaged in college studies, one of whom had acquired his Associates Degree while at Hopewell and is currently pursuing his Bachelor's Degree. Another male resident is receiving college and vocational preparation assistance. In addition to the individuals just listed, five to ten other former residents have been assisted to some extent with secondary or post-secondary ambitions since 2003. Lastly, while not academic in nature, a male resident is receiving assistance in formatting his poetry to be professionally produced. The age ranges of the residents involved in the Education Program generally varies from young adult to sixty years of age.

Over the years, the Education Program at Hopewell has had numerous collaborative relationships with other local, county and state agencies and learning institutions, which includes:

  • Cuyahoga Children and Family Services
  • Cleveland area school systems
  • North Atlantic Regional Schools
  • Kent State University (Trumbull and Geauga campuses)
  • Trumbull County School Systems
  • Bellefaire JCB
  • Belmont Pines Hospital
  • DuPage Public School Systems
  • JFS
  • Various school systems from around the country.

Bob Weirich, Hopewell's Education Services Coordinator has been involved with the Education Program since its inception in 2003 and has been an employee at Hopewell since 1998. Prior to his employment at Hopewell, he had taught primary and secondary instrumental, vocal and general music at both public and private schools. Prior to that, he was employed at a mental health organization in its partial hospitalization program.

Significant Goals and Objectives:

1.) High School Diploma or equivalent

Goal – Achieve number of credits per quarter
Objective – high school diploma

Activities to achieve goal - one-on-one instruction, work program activities and self-initiated


2.) Post Secondary (college)

Goal – Continue to achieve college credits and maintain independent life skills
Objective – Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in regard to their education and independent life skills

Pictured above is Bob Weirich and Michael with his Associates Degree from Kent State University Trumbull Campus.

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