March 22, 2011
Artistic Legs
"I have done more art here, at Hopewell, than I have in the last two years. I felt inspired in a very creative environment."
That's how one of our residents feels about her part in Hopewell's new Farm & Craft Market. At Hopewell, daily work crews – Farm, Kitchen, Grounds, Garden and Cleaning Crews - engage residents in their community and help them identify and build upon their strengths. This winter, the Garden Crew expanded their scope to include creating inventory for the grand opening of the Farm & Craft Market. Complete with fresh eggs, art work, handmade jewelry, and unique bird houses, the crew not only helped stock the store, but many of them learned something about themselves along the way.
One resident said, "During my illness, I lost my artistic legs. At Hopewell, I regained by desire to paint." Hopewell's model of care strives to help residents believe in themselves and in recovery. Imagine how wonderful it feels, to "…enjoy producing works of art for the Hopewell Market" but to also see the community believe in your talent in the truest form-by buying them up!
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